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Human Capital
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Discover The Career Journey


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Europe’s Best Workplaces™ 2023
Akra Hotels is among the Europe’s Best Workplaces (Large Companies Category)
Europe’s Best Workplaces™ 2022
BHM is among the Europe’s Best Workplaces (Large Companies Category)
Turkey’s Best Workplaces™ 2024
Akra Hotels is among the Best Workplaces in Turkey (Large Companies Category)
Turkey’s Best Workplaces™ 2023
Akra Hotels is among the Best Workplaces in Turkey (Large Companies Category)
Turkey’s Best Workplaces™ 2022
BHM is among the Best Workplaces in Turkey (Large Companies Category)
2023 Best Workplaces For Innovatıon By All™
Akra Hotels is the Best Workplaces for Innovation by All (Large Companies Category)
Best Workplaces For Women™ 2023
Akra Hotels is the Best Workplaces for Women (Large Companies Category)
Best Workplaces For Women™ 2022
BHM is the second Best Workplaces for Women (Large Companies Category)
Great Place to Work® Institute is recognized as global authority on workplace culture. Based in the USA, it contributes to build a better corporate culture in 65 countries.
Kagider-Fem Certificate
We are honoured to be the first company in the tourism sector to receive the Equal Opportunities Model (FEM), A Gender Equality Certificate developed by the KAGIDER of Turkey with the technical support of the World Bank and in cooperation with PricewaterhouseCoopers and EY.
Women Empowerment Principles
BHM has signed the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), a joint initiative of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the United Nations Global Compact.
Lifelong Learning Special Award
We were awarded the "Lifelong Learning" special award thanks to our policies and practices we have implemented.
Great Place To Work®
For more information about the Great Place To Work Institute…
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Gratuitous Development Opportunities

Thanks to the gratuitous, non-dependent, non-reimbursable opportunities provided within the organization of BHM, our employees can access to personal and professional development opportunities that are not provided elsewhere. Some of such opportunities are as follows: 

  • High School - Graduating the Vocational High School
  • Completing the Associate or Bachelor's Degree
  • Completing the Master's Degree
  • English - German - French foreign language training
  • Trainings with a professional certificate
  • Online MOOC trainings (EdX, Coursera, FutureLearn, etc.) and more

Discover how you can reach to the best of your potential in BHM... 

A Great Place to Work with Great Fringe Benefits

Move towards your career goals at a peaceful and safe work environment with the fringe benefits, appreciation and reward and professional development opportunities which we offer and lead the industry. 

The Right to Accommodate on Complimentary Basis with your Family (Yearly)
Employee Savings Accounts (Payable on Monthly Basis)
Lifelong Learning and Development Opportunities
Open-Buffet Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Marriage and Maternity Support
Travel and Accommodation Discount Program
and more...
Great Living Spaces

BHM provides you with a happy, peaceful and teamwork based work environment covering work environments and learning opportunities, all designed exclusively for you. 

BHM Lojman BHM Lojman Mobile
Akra Fethiye, Akra Sorgun, Akra Kemer
BHM Dinlenme Alanlari BHM Dinlenme Alanlari Mobile
Recreational Areas
Tüm Tesislerde
BHM Kafeterya BHM Kafeterya Mobile
Tüm Tesislerde
BHM Giyinme Alanlari BHM Giyinme Alanlari Mobile
Changing Areas
Tüm Tesislerde
  • BHM Employee Stories
    BHM Calisan Hikayeleri (1)
    Sercan Koç
    Started as a Server in the Food and Beverage Department of Akra Sorgun Hotel in 2014, he continues to serve as a Captain
    BHM Calisanhikayeleri Sercan BHM Calisanhikayeleri Sercan Mobile
  • BHM Employee Stories
    Bhm Calisan Hikayeleri V2
    Durali Özdemir
    Chief Human Capital Officer
    Started as a Human Capital Officer in the Human Capital Department of Akra Fethiye Hotel in 2019, he continues to serve as a Chief Human Capital Officer.
    BHM Calisan Hikayeleri Durali Ozdemir BHM Calisan Hikayeleri Durali Ozdemir M
  • BHM Employee Stories
    BHM Calisan Hikayeleri Medine Acar
    Medine Acar
    Dishwashing Area and Sanitation Supervisor
    Started as a Dishwashing Area and Sanitation Officer in the Dishwashing Area and Sanitation Department of Akra Fethiye Sensatori Hotel in 2015, she continues to serve as a Dishwashing Area and Sanitation Supervisor.
    BHM Medine Acar BHM Medine Acar Mobile
  • BHM Employee Stories
    Bhm Calisan Hikayeleri Omer Oral
    Ömer Oral
    Guest Relations Representative
    He has been serving as a Guest Relations Representative in the Guest Relations Department of Akra Sorgun Hotel since 2022.
    BHM Omer Oral BHM Omer Oral M
    İnsan Kıymetleri Politikası BHM İnsan Kiymetleri Mobile 5
    Human Capital Policy
    İşe Alım Süreçleri BHM İnsan Kiymetleri Mobile 6
    Hiring Processes
    Sıkça Sorulan Sorular BHM İnsan Kiymetleri Mobile 7
    Frequently Asked Questions

    Discover The Career Journey


    Kişisel verilerimin ve gerekmesi halinde özel nitelikli kişisel verilerimin, burada yer alan Gizlilik Bildirimi kapsamında işlenmesine izin veriyorum.